Arnab Dey

I write code and build apps

Selected projects

  • 2022 - 2023


    I worked at Zolvit, mainly build the frontend. I also build the API for CRUD operations.

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    Bitrefill homepage
  • Aug 2023


    Generates a concise summary of a longer document or text, utilized NLP APIs and implemented a Seq2Seq model, I worked across the whole website, notably creating landing page, build interactive user interface.

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    Tracklib listing
  • 2022

    Rainbow Weather

    I build Rainbow Weather as a side project, using react and leveraged free API of open-Weather to fetch the latest information when user gives either a region or latitude longitude .

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    Trail routes app
    Topography pattern
  • March 2022

    Vscode Theme

    I created custom vs code theme extension using yeoman npm package.

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    Trail routes app
    Topography pattern